Wednesday 9 March 2011

Deal hotels and Activity Holidays

Finding great deal hotels
If you are the kind of person who loves outdoor activity and adventure then you will know the importance of having a comfortable bed to come home to at the end of a busy and physically tiring day! Whether you are a fan of cycling, rambling and climbing or water sports there is nothing like returning to a comfortable hotel where you can pamper yourself in preparation for another day’s adventure! It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, some people see staying in one of the UK’s great deal hotels as an excuse for lazing about by the pool or for indulging in spa treatments...and that’s fine of course, but if you are more of an outdoorsy type then a sedentary break is not your idea of fun! Look out for knock down prices at odd times of the year, right after New Year for instance is a good time to search out cheap deal hotels as this is not a typical time for many to book their break and a lot of great hotels find that they have vacancies to fill. This is also a wonderful time to enjoy rambling or indoor activities if the weather is simply too cold for a long walk in the countryside. Check out local community and leisure centres for indoor sports and you may find that this becomes your favourite time of the year for a break. Towns and villages are quiet in winter and you can enjoy the scenery and local attractions without the hustle and bustle of tourist season.
Deal hotels and great activities
Rambling is great fun if you do decide to take advantage of one of the many deal hotels on offer and of course it is also a very healthy pastime. Perfect for those of us who perhaps do not enjoy the cut and thrust of team sports or more intense physical exercise, rambling is a wonderful way to discover more about the countryside and more about yourself in general. Depending on your fitness levels there are a great many walks to enjoy across the UK, coastal paths offer a good place to begin and one good way to start is to check out leaflets in your hotel which detail the most popular local routes. You will find that walks are graded, some being more suitable for experienced ramblers and which may last for hours, taking in more than two or three villages, whilst others may be no more than a mile from start to finish. Taking in a pretty stretch of woodland is a great way to begin as a rambler without putting too much pressure on yourself to perform!
Water sports and great deal hotels by the sea
The ocean affords us all the chance to be brave in some way or other and if you fancy a spot of surfing or if you have always wanted to try out yachting then booking one of the UK’s wonderful deal hotels by the sea will put you in the right place to experiment. Some busier coastal resorts offer open sea fishing trips where you can sample a taste of what life is like for the real fishermen of the UK and join them on a vessel designed for the job! Fishing, surfing or swimming there are so many great offers with deal hotels at any time of the year that it is very easy to get addicted to this kind of holiday. Shop around, decide what kind of activities you would like to try and you will soon wonder why you didn’t start sooner!

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