Monday 31 January 2011

New York Hotels and New York Culture

New York hotels and a city of culture
The New York art scene has long been one of the most vibrant centres of art and culture in the world. With so many stunning New York hotels to choose from, visitors to the city will be in a great position to choose exactly which part of the Big Apple they call their temporary home! The city is spread across many miles and around every corner is a new and fascinating sight, from the most famous architectural one such as the Empire State building, the Chrysler Building and the Statue of Liberty to the lesser known but equally fascinating “quirks” of the city, there is so much to see and do that most visits fly by. In order to see as many of the best sights as possible, plan carefully and ask yourself a few questions; what to you want to do most of all? Which areas do you want to visit and which of New York’s many famous restaurants or bars appeal most? Are there any places which lie outside the city but which you have always longed to visit such as The Hampton’s? Check out the offers on great New York Hotels, plan your trip well and get the most out of your break, New York is a wonderful place and with so many attractions you will be hard pushed to get them all in!

New York hotels and Museum Mile
One of the best places to begin your tour of New York has to be Museum Mile which is the acknowledged centre for museums in New York and of all the museums on offer here, where else would you begin a tour of New York museums other then the Museum of the City of New York! This fabulous space is dedicated to the past, present and also to the future of the city of New York; located on Fifth Avenue it house many exhibitions illustrating the growth of this great city and makes for a wonderful place to visit if you are staying in one of the New York hotels  near Museum Mile. For lovers of contemporary art then the Solomon R Guggenheim museum is a real treat, the newest of New York’s many museums it is based in a stunning contemporary building and houses a vast collection which can take a whole day to explore should you want to see everything! There are many fabulous museums along the attractive tree-lined stretch that is Museum Mile, for those with an interest in art and history, this is a must.

New York hotels and amazing buildings
New York has its fair share of wonderful historical buildings amongst the uber modern tower blocks and cool night spots; one interesting example is the Bartow-Pell Mansion which is in Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx. This grand mansion dates back to 1836 although the original house and estate were built much earlier in the sixteen hundreds.  It lay sadly neglected and derelict for many years but has now been renovated and is open as a museum to the public; New York hotels near the Bronx make a great base from which to explore this wonderful memorial to the past. Another venerable building is Wyckoff House in Flatbush, Brooklyn which is accepted to be the oldest house in New York City. This diminutive frame built house has been added to over the centuries and now only a small part of the original building remains and that is thought to date from around 1652. This house is well worth a visit if you have booked one of the New York hotels which proliferate in the vicinity. New York has long been a fascinating testament to its multicultural residents and any body with an interest in history will be well entertained during their stay.

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