Tuesday 11 January 2011

Why you should choose central London Hotels

Why you should choose central London Hotels:
Staying in a fabulous location in London is a priority for the many visitors to this great city. For those who are interested going to the theatre during their stay, a West End Location is a must. London’s West End is packed with world famous theatres and award winning shows so it’s a real convenience to enjoy the simplicity of walking from one of the many great London hotels to the theatre or restaurant during your stay. The trouble is that to those unsure of the lie of the land, London can be an intimidating place to navigate. Teeming streets and warren-like inns and courts make this a fascinating but sometimes confusing city to get around. If you are accustomed to less ancient places it can be a real eye opener as you begin to unravel the twisted streets and alleys to enjoy a wander from shop to café; the city draws you in and it’s very easy to lose bearings simply staring upwards at the great buildings and their architecture.
Getting to know where the best London Hotels are:
Some areas in central London are reserved for business and so typically high quality London hotels are not necessarily a feature; but this does not mean there are none and if you are visiting on business then it stands to reason you may need to stay in or very close to the business districts which include Canary Wharf and also the Square Mile. Whether you are visiting the city on business or pleasure you may be curious about one of the most fascinating areas of the West End and in this case you should indulge in a walk down The Strand towards Fleet Street. This stroll encompasses one of the oldest and most historically interesting areas in the city and getting to know this area will stand you in good stead of understanding where some of the most beautiful and famous London hotels are situated. Start at Charing Cross station and walk down the Strand where you will pass the famous Coutts Bank on your left, a little further on is the Vaudeville Theatre famous during the last century for its comedy revues and which is still a popular venue for modern day shows. Almost opposite the Vaudeville is the entrance to Somerset House which houses many interesting attractions year-round.  The Savoy Hotel and theatre are a little way along the street; the hotel is famous for its fine dining and the theatre for its connections with the d’Oyly Carte theatre company.

If you have time then exploring some of the streets which lead off the Strand and into Covent Garden is a wonderful way to discover some of the quirks of this area as there are some fabulous shops and cafes to be found in the most unlikely spots. Any London hotels fortunate enough to call this area home are in the best position to offer visitors a real experience, during the day this area is teeming with journalists from nearby Fleet Street and with actors and dancers taking a break between matinee and evening performances; evening sees a rush of pleasure seekers on their way to theatre, restaurant and bar and the streets here never seem to sleep.

London Hotels and Shopping:
It stands to reason that a visitor to London will be interested in the shops on offer here. London is after all one of the worlds great fashion capitals and in central London it’s relatively simple to explore the options. Staying in one of the many London hotels near Oxford Street puts you in a great place to begin and offers some of the country’s most famous high street stores; if you love unusual knick-knacks and quirky souvenirs then Covent Garden market cannot be ignored. Once a fruit and vegetable market it underwent a serious transformation during the 1960s and is now well known for jewellery, accessories and fashionable household décor.  Central London offers a melting pot of culture and has a vibrant energy which can’t be compared to any other city.

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